The Office & Ministry of A Prophet

The Office & Ministry of A Prophet

The Office & Ministry of a Prophet is often misunderstood, mischaracterized and highly unappreciated within the body of Chris. Beloved this should not be so.  

Our desire is to educate and bring clarity to the true purpose of the Office and Ministry of a Prophet so that God's word, instruction, correction, etc.. when spoken through or administered by His Prophet will be received with joy and gladness because you're understanding has been enlightened.

Three (3) Characteristics of the Prophet's Office

1.  Commissioned by God

If he was not called or commissioned by God he was a false prophet. He could not be set in by any human agency. The call is from above.

a)     Jeremiah 1:4-10 - By a direct word - before birth

b)     1 Kings 19:19-21 - The calling of Elisha

c)     Amos 7: 12- 17 - Who had no previous prophetic heritage

2. God's Spokesman

Duet: 18:15-22

My words in his mouth / burden of obedience / judgement on the false word / test of the true word / dynamic relationship between word and result (Dabar)

See Jeremiah 1:9 (Dabar)

The word of the Lord was regarded as containing divine power within itself to accomplish the thing spoken!

Dabar was not only the word but was also the result of the spoken word.  For example in creation when God said – The Dabar of the Lord went forth and accomplished the thing spoken of – “Let there be light” and immediately light was created!

Dabar was two things i.e. spoken word (initial act) and accomplished deed (consequential act). Two inseparable parts of one process

In I KINGS 11:41 Dabar is translated "acts".

However take note of DUET 13:1 - 5. Biblical truth application takes precedence over every physical sign manifestation.

3. A Prophet must receive revelation

Visionary:    dreams, visions, trances (NUM 12:6/HOSEA 12:10)
Perceptive:   word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits
Prediction:   is an aspect of the prophetic office (ACTS 11: 27-28 / ACTS 21:10-11)

Important prophetic principle:       

Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”

“All Journeys Begin With a First Step…and Your Journey of Wholeness Starts Here...” - Kelly Smith

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